n n e
W a l d m a n : K e e p i
n g T h e W o r l d S a f e F o r
P o e t r y
a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 5 :
S p e c i a l E d i t i
o n
A Poem for Anne
was so strange to see your face
on the Metropolitan Museum wall
it went under the title "Face of a
poet", signed Alex Katz
and the year is 1972. Your face had nothing
to do
with that museum wall
but something there in your painted eyes
made me
take a good look at myself later
reflected in the mirror of the museum's toilet,
i saw my own
eyes reflected in it and my mouth
opening up to speak fast
to the mirror
it was then that i
figured out: i'd better write
all of this down,
so that i can
escape the mirror, escape the museum wall,
escape the museum installation of this poem of
for you
[From The
Art of Catching a Boomerang, by Nina Zivancevic.
Povelja, Serbia, 2013. Used by permission of the