N a p a l
m H e
a l t
h S p
a : R e
p o r
t 2 0
1 2
Prologue–Suicide Bomber
I was a suicide
bomber at seventeen
exploding in my parents’ living room
turning the Christmas tree into a guided missile
projecting lethal shards of bone and glass ornament
pine needle and tinsel
I was a suicide
bomber at seventeen
taking my holy mission on the road
planning to detonate on Nixon’s front porch
but having to settle for a detention camp
with habeas corpus revoked
I was a teenage
suicide bomber
rolling across the American Heartland
past Ohio refineries and Indiana chemical
past Illinois farms and fields
past Haymarket Square and Wounded Knee and
Bloody Kansas
past OK City and Waco
all the way to Albuquerque
where I watched that city burn
I was a suicide
bomber at seventeen
learning the arts of demolition from
ex-paratroopers and disillusioned
Green Berets
practicing patiently on the rifle range
buying poisons from outlaw bikers
researching garroting of sentries in the
Anarchist Cookbook
I was a suicide
bomber at seventeen
reaching San Francisco, finally
Mecca of Holy Haight Street
letting the anger roll off my brittle back
along with the hoped-for revolution
sitting cross-legged in Golden Gate Park
and sittin’ on the
dock of the bay
[This work first appeared in Jack Magazine, I: 4, 2002. Used by
permission of the author]