N a p a l m H e
a l t
h S p
a : R e
p o r
t 2 0
1 2
Dear President Obama,
Congress, and the Mainstream Media:
Give Us Single-Payer
Health Care
The health insurance companies are a cancer.
Remove them from the picture & the national stress
will go down 43%. Clogged arteries will begin
to race. Dirty
lungs will shower and take
a deep breath.
Incurable liver-cancer cure rates
will rise 32.92%.
This damn back pain I feel
when walking was
caused by Oxford hiring
Triad, Inc. as gatekeeper to avoid paying
bills. My post-surgery knee pain lasted
longer than needed because insurance only
paid for cheapest
physical therapy center in town.
It would take a 300-page book, which I'm going to write
one day, to tell
my horror stories of trying
to get diagnosed
& treated for the fatigue, chills,
and spreading
joint pains of Lyme disease under
the watchful,
half-closed eyes of the insureaucrats.
My file cabinet has announced its refusal to hold any more
filled with HIP's contradictory paperwork
These private health insurance companies
are the reason
high school reading comprehension rates
are down all across
America. Break the insurance companies
of their habits
and their holds and there will be no more
for economic bubbles or preemptive wars. I know that,
for an elected
official, it must be emotionally exhausting
to weigh the
competing interests of the impatient patients
and the dozing
lobbyists whose concrete boots are
ever-planted in
Congress's roving halls. I know
that, for a
mainstream reporter to tell the tale of a simple,
and morally just solution to our health care crisis
goes against the
grain of everything taught in our nation's
most expensively
decorated journalism schools. But try
to follow the
mind's math. Poetry statistics hardly ever lie.