N a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 1
The Prophets on Motorcycles
we can remember the passionate
laws handed down in fire from the fathers with the flaming
horns on their foreheads the women with ashes smeared on their throats
the time when two directions ran in one place towards the same
with white feathers and music on the road to heaven
on the road towards the black roses bunched up and knotted
over the door to the bar the back alley glory it’s ––
all 7-Eleven all music and fear
painted on the canvas red and warm
in the dark arena Disbelief
in heaven.
–– with heaven
I disbelieve.
I am walking in the darkened part
of this road to where people are crying
to each other that they remember the signs gaudy and textured
with neon and hot colors the signs the prophets brought down
with flames and webbed fingers slender tongues pointing at the wheels
of their bikes and the big houses that slid down
their ears the houses on fire
silvery with arson arson
colors our eyes red points flashing intersections
sweating metal spirals from car alarms parallel to the lines of
motorcycles and the prophets riding
with the fire braided up
Oct. 12 – 1993