N a p
a l
m H e
a l t
h S p
a : R
e p o
r t 2
0 1 0
missives from a nuclear reactor
#1: reactor jam
don’t be alarmed captain but time is an element unstable too many
neutrons swirling around a fluctuating core when time gets anywhere near me it
explodes captain I am telling you this so you can prepare don your hazmat suit
and toast to the apocalypse do this in memory of the world before this episode
captain you can’t miss the next one it’ll be a cliffhanger get out the popcorn
and throw it into the reactor settle in the reception is finally decent I’ve
got antennae that extend to the edge of the universe fast forward through the
commercials we don’t need any more dish soap captain when we left off our heroine
was standing on the edge of a ravine ready to jump you can’t just leave her
there can you
suddenly I’m tiny like in Gulliver’s Travels I’m standing between two
book ends they’re coming together any closer I’ll be squished someone is trying
to kill me captain I scrabble up the side of a book it falls open I slip into
the pages and the narrative starts to unravel the letters dissolve and become
black sludge slurping my ankles it’s weird in here captain someone’s taken an
eraser to my face if I can’t see you am I still here I guess I’ve become a
blank page
since you walked onto my set production has ground to a halt captain
will you just sit here and watch me type it’ll be good I promise something with
Vikings space invaders Hawaiian belly dancers this isn’t a porno I swear if I
lick something it will be my lips sore from lying out in the sun vampires don’t
last long without chapstick captain you asked for a story don’t be surprised
when you get the story of my neurosis captain it’s a gory world in here you
have to be a swordfighter to survive and sometimes even then the sharks come
out of the water
I take all my cues from alien abduction you get up to pee soon as you
leave the room the story careens into a wall like a runaway shopping cart it’s
already too late captain you missed the boat when you come back the room is
floating an effluvium of plot points and characters hovering in the air above
your living room I am watching it all from behind the screen who’s directing
this show anyway I would have chosen a desert set all this liquid is pruning my
captain my mentor once told me men are offended by the idea that male
genitalia have become a metaphor for the war machine captain is this true are
you offended I don’t mean to be rude I study ancient history every Greek myth
revolves around penetration for centuries people have waxed metaphorical about
it what if they really were just sick in the head why don’t scholars ever ask
this question when they’re expounding Iliadic themes
my mentor was a journalist once a very young man he wrote a review of
an artist who took nude photographs of small children they were the paragon of
taste he argued later he went into politics someone told him he’d never make it
you can’t defend edgy art and expect it not to bite you in the ass now he moves
behind the scenes lurks in voting booths sings immigration songs in my opinion
in that one small moment we all lost
the reactor makes ticking sounds when it wants to get your attention
captain are you listening time is a vampire it never gets old it will suck the
life out of you neutrons leech onto your body you can’t shake them off they
burrow through your skin and into your organs they light you up from the inside
out you can see them onscreen moving around they alter your genetic makeup what
are you becoming captain all the dials are spinning out of control it’s the
exorcist versus the abyss a celebrity deathmatch to end the world no matter how
much eas in crucem is thrown the
abyss swallows it all its throat is enormous captain I have a theory about
black holes they’re the answer to everything the secret to cheating time only a
few people come close to getting it Grimm Aesop Seuss Stein that’s about it
fairy tales are riddled with black holes at midnight Cinderella slipped into a
black hole painted orange Rip Van Winkle was an electron he used quantum
tunneling to get back to the universe Dorothy was a low mass star burning
hydrogen on the main sequence until the spiral arm collided with the
cosmological constant captain don’t you see how serious this is
if a vampire bites the angel of death it becomes the unangel of life
she is unpredictable the vampire cannot remain undead in her presence it
reverses itself suddenly no more sucking it can only blow the red cross would have
a field day with a reverse vampire no one would need to give blood ever again
it would run in the streets like the river of milk and honey those prophets are
always talking about captain have you ever met a prophet they’re not fun to be
around poets at least enjoy their visions prophets know better they’re never
happier than when they’re telling you how the world is going to end it’s never
a happy ending captain do you like happy endings I don’t think I’ve ever seen
one let’s change the channel find something steamier
I am in Home Depot weighing flower pots the smell of sawdust is
irresistible once I stood on the bridge as a train passed under it was filled
with pine shavings boxcars filled to the brim with sawdust all those trees
shaved down to nubs where are they getting all those trees captain what would
you say if I told you it’s all a joke the reactor’s a dud no juice some aliens
left it here and ducked behind the asteroid belt snickering gosh this’ll be fun what do you suppose
they’ll do oh you know try to blow each other up that’s what you always think well they’ve done it before why should
this time be any different maybe they
won’t maybe they’ll make jam don’t be silly they’ll never drop berries into
a nuclear reactor but that’s what we
built it for yes it’s true pancakes don’t taste right without reactor jam
but by the time they figure it out they’ll have evolved and we’ll have to
change the channel