N a p a
l m H e a
l t h
S p a
: R e
p o r
t 2 0
1 0
9000 Times Hotter Than The Hottest Chili Pepper
after Milarepa, returning to his homeland
I’m standing under a pine tree in the pouring rain.
Where there is a pine tree and no rain it is futile.
Where there is rain and no pine tree it is futile.
Where there’s a pine tree and rain it is futile.
The rain turns to snow and covers the tulips.
Where there are tulips and no snow it is futile.
Where there is snow and no tulips it is futile.
Where there are tulips and snow it is futile.
The day was cloudy. The night was clear.
Where there are clouds and no clarity it is futile.
Where there is clarity and no clouds it is futile.
Where there are clouds and clarity it is futile.
Grass and weeds grow from bone dust.
There is no hope for you, none, no hope at all.
The mind is as still as one wishes,
Pervading space for the sake of others.
24 April 2010