N a p a
l m H e a
l t h
S p a
: R e
p o r
t 2 0
0 9
Insecurity Wisdom
after Alan Watts
Phonebook through the plate glass of my warehouse loft stuck suspended by bookcase behind pull-down shade, freeze frame, a Batman comic panel, tossed by ghetto wild boys in nihilistic laughter –
Buddha texts inside still in place, Buddha head smiling
Unemployment soars, street homeless increase
my wife chose this storefront
I’d prefer a bunker like when visiting junkie genius writer Burroughs’ NYC converted YMCA steel door’d – even recent visit to Buddhist center 2007 Bowery 30 years from that other New York time they buzzed you in liquor store camera checking you before the rickety stairs –
My black metal collapsible baton
& pepper spray hardly enough for
But who wants robo-cop Blackwater shutdown?
People who live in glass houses, shouldn’t
Afternoon sprinklers
go off in unison
down the white concrete block
watering a lurid green strip of lawn
in front of identical Valley condos –
Bleached-out taco stands
flanked by Jurassic palm trees CGI’d
in perfect duplicate –
Pink glow dusk horizon
a Disney atom blast –
TV’s Flying Nun was in Gelson’s Market at night
in sweats w/ a facelift –
At LAX airport it is harder to leave than arrive
Posing in morn sun
the young white man’s surly thoughts
GOT JESUS? says his cap
black man slumped asleep
Summer day above ground
Last glimpse into the tunnel
Blue green gum bubble from her ghetto lips
Shaved skull gleaming
in mushroom light
dark concrete tunnel home
BUM LIFE graffiti w/ syringe cartoon
- troglodyte notes at the mouth of the crater
where I come up from transit to work
Calm abiding
Black legless
on wheelchair
with motor
& plastic tube of urine
– still
“Old policies, nothing but cops…”
graffiti announces near grassy lot a
Latino derelict disappears in the veldt – cops roll past me eyeballing –
suspect in my own neighborhood – living in
cop bar up the street, out front slattern women groupies
braying Elizabeth Taylor blousy Virginia Wolf cigarettes whipping about,
loud motorcycles driving home drunk –
Motorcycle cops shot at a traffic citation – itchy fingered
war – our very own Blackwater op security “shoot ‘em all, let God sort them
out” 13th Century Pope Innocent III might’ve said this Crusade
First new rule: don’t hire cops who want to be cops
Monday morning Spring 2009
Silver Mercedes sharp new cruiser slides into the gated lot, imperious –
streets are broken down, feral skate punks find every battered strip of curb
metal to surf, daring traffic, pavement bone crack –
dull filthy linoleum of the BART train floor to work
headaches in progress
Rustling his paper like a ghoul –
Shouting in her self-phone explosion entering the train car –
Grey bear black man stately beaten down eyes
Faces that are headaches in progress –
Her teeth in braces horrible fangs
Drowsed in your chemo bath, the fleshy pods cut –
the body cavity soaked
in nuclear tides of Zemo rays (I made that up)
your lamas hovering golden-lit w/ instructions?
Peter writes e-mail “surgery thoughts” –
your husband fighting crazy mind
while you dream, drift chemical clouds, hallucinated cancer & husband
coming out of BART, clear-skied light drizzle, I see brief rainbow auspicious
Cauterized, cleansed of the bad flesh!
Ventilator in your face you write feisty notes!
Mary Shelly chained! Lightbringer!
Zeus’ angry eagle once sent daily to eat yr liver…
Luxfere! Luck-be-a-lady!
…beak of cancery worms!
I sit before you gray flattened body propped in hospital bed
Half-dozen lama photos taped where you can see
No jokes yet from your clever mouth pursed in discomfort
(Peter, shambler, drained)
Tea to Tibetan protectors down the white sink drain
You’ll be o.k.
Plenty of time for us all to trade places –
A Swedish nurse that slams into my chair, broken English’d,
coming & going