N a p a
l m H e a
l t h
S p a
: R e
p o r
t 2 0
0 9
Years after, having first read it
in Los Angeles, the copy given me
by Paul Vangelisti (who was also
shaped by the compositional
technique of it, an aspect of
Oppen’s urban evocativeness,
---“Milanese in Paul’s work,”
one Italian woman said after his
reading in a café in Venice
Beach in 1970 or so)---where
was I? O yes, I remember
Oppen in Pound’s Active Anthology
published in Italy in 1931, before
Ezra fully sank into the shit,
there was also Hemingway’s
poems Ezra published, including
an anti-fascist one, it being before,
like I said, Pound went to the dogs.
And Reznikoff and Zukofsky also
were included---where was I?
Well, in fact, not yet born,
that’d be a couple of years later,
and 17 more after that before
I’d find the anthology in the old
CCNY library and for the first time
met Oppen, at least got to know
his work: in those days after WWII
when Stalin was still alive and the
war in Korea was raging, when
those McCarthy shit witch-hunters
came scaring on through, George
and Mary, who’d been red before
even his books had been, split to
Mexico. Stalin was dead. There’d
be a black hole (except on 52nd St.
where the Bird still flew) and then,
after a few years of underground
breathing, from way out West, on
Montgomery St. in San Francisco,
the big Babe Ruth of the bad Cold
War, blew, with his Howl, the wig
of poetry off its old bald head.
There are voices that surround cities,
gather their meanings, identify with
them if only to engorge them and then
spit ‘em out in dragon-flame unfurls.
That was Allen’s New York, booming
and dramatically inexhaustible., all
stops out for
God’s ham.
But the New York that’s not one man’s
titanic resurface, the New York that
was given me by Vangelisti in El Aye
---and which is also El Aye and Cleveland
and Tokyo---was written (by George)
by George Oppen.
It was Of
Being Numerous. That was
the poem of mass and energy, the affirming
notes of our being here in an age of
numbers and things, on streets with buildings
of towering glass, where a pair of lips could
be painted as above so below, and suicide
evoked decades hence, yet being a poem about
the light at the core of one’s being present in
daily hourly instantaneous ways,
minimally maxed out to the nth degree
of tough-speaking steel and crisp, discreet
line-breaks, ellipses and elisions of language
conscious of being of this and not another age.
A master of evocations allowing letting-be
to go on being, walking with memory of the
future until he could remember no more, and
found that other beginning where Mary’s or
daughter Linda’s hand took his forgetfulness
for a stroll in the Polk Street or Russian Hill
or North Beach sunshine, a different sun
in each of those zones, for that tallish
distinguished-looking man who’d revealed
metropolis in the precise and crisp turn of
the page on a bus, or the sound of a cap
being twisted off a bottle of Pepsi-cola.
A people, peoples can remember what they
will be, dipping into the waters of his mastery.
We’re the members of that mystery objective
to forgetting, put together with the lines of his
poems, those deathlessly shining bright limbs.
in memory of
Rainer Maria Gerhardt
In living suicide
begun at the end
of the death of Death,
nazi-wide, which begat
a Rainer Maria
who wasn’t in flight
from castle to baroness
but scavenging for food in
charred Freiburg streets:
a young poet, father of two,
all three with Renate
in a single room, like Jasmine
the Burmese, her Mexican
husband and three small
children in the corner room
of this slummy old San
Francisco hotel where 60
years later I write
of Rainer Maria Gerhardt,
all of 23, an ex-hitler-jugend
army teen who’d fled
to Tito’s partisans…
Soundwhere along the way
(okay, I’ll give that fascist
bastard Ezra his due,
who’d hooked him up
with Creeley, then Olson),
a scintilla broke out, burst into
a pulsion in the brokenness
he was dead broke in,
everything and one seeming
unmendably ripped, torn,
and slowly hope got broken in
and beginning glowed with
ein neu zeichen zu aufbruch
ein alt zeichen zu untergang,
with unknown, projective
possibilities emerging from
that Zero. No peace rallies
in the American Zone,
not because there weren’t
but because there was Not.
There wasn’t even food or
coal for the stove. One was
next to Nothing, literally.
When, lo, a hectograph
(purple gelatinous print
words came out in
the form of) turned up,
and Fragmente,
the name he gave his
projected international
magazine (“pages for
friends”) was born.
Letters coming in got
answered, yes, fresh
poems, new friends,
in France, England
and America, scripts for
radio to maybe earn cash
for Renate and the boys,
and keep on bringing out
Fragments, the same title
as my first 4 pp chapbook
of poems, self-published
in Manhattan, 75 copies, a
couple of weeks (without
my knowing him, his work)
after he turned the gas-jet
on himself for 20 million
reasons, shame, humiliation,
not a pfennig in his clench.
Youth rallies in the East.
Peace hearts aglow. In
the West those who wouldn’t
couldn’t didn’t, so Tart-Hartley
got passed, Robeson literally
stoned, Bob Kaufman’s black-
jewish brains beaten in Texas
organizing, kon-konsume-kon-
sumerism the only prophet in town.
“I’m in love with her but she
gives me nothing flat. Gonna kill
myself so she know where it’s at.
I get my way or I jump in the Bay.
Rubble and ruin, rubble and ruin.”
“Zero, Zero you’re our hero sand-
wich you can’t eat. You can huff,
you can puff. We just don’t do
rough stuff in our lilac panties”
“He took such care with things.”
“They gave us their bed and slept
on the floor” “I’ve never known
a man so giving of himself, so
determined.” “The last year he’d
sit by himself in the park, where
I’d go for what moments he could
speak, or work trying to continue
all he had undertaken…Now
my terrible news I just blow it out.
Rainer died the 27th of July in the
early afternoon. The completely
desperate situation in which he was
with all our work---financially---and
lots of personal troubles (maybe I’ll
be able to tell you at a later time) put
his life to an end, unexpected, all of a
sudden, even for himself.”
Who wrote
Gesang des Jungling ins
Feuerofen, dreamed the 1st post-war
internationale of poetry to lighten
woe-loads from deaths piled in
the darkest dust ever mined as human
bitumen by human hands, shame
on the fingers lifting even a morsel
of bread without sharing the bite
of every moment in this hell.
And with a little help from friends
got down to the breath-bones
Olson was shaking, recognized, in a
brotherly identity, the Care Creeley
would become the poet of for my
generation, through decades of wars,
race rage, another new order of
technological mass-death, celebrity
mish-mashed together with
the rock the sex the roll the drugs
the sex and roll and old rock Sisyphus
up to the contradictions as all verbotens
now are buyable and permitted at the
push of a button, with sightings and
visions of the new millennium’s Union
of Europe, as Junger had projected in his
“Peace”, which would grow with consum-
ate irony like a couple of smoking towers.
O this All so long ago, and as if no more
than the instant he lived and then began
another sojourn, with the earth Charles
despairingly gave him in his elegy,
and Robert’s: “that it is one’s friend and
one is helpless about it”. And my own
late realization, amid the ruins,
he’d been a kindle-wood of ur-sparks
for the multilingual future of poetry,
and perhaps it wasn’t just synchrony
that poets the world over sounded
their divers tongues at the Palace
of Fine Arts in San Francisco on
the very July evening of the day
Rainer Maria Gerhardt took his life
and left its meaning growing a
monumental presence of poetry
in his suicided wake.