Don't say anything
about God you can't
say over a pit of
burning babies."
Elie Wiesel
Back from retreat
  another temp
  job -
In a concrete bunker office
  like a ghost
  phone lines I'm not
supposed to
- no windows -
     later to the
  Clinic w/ mutant
  crick in my neck


The dwarf at the desk
      baby cries rising in
              the pain of the world -
      breathe in dark smoke of
breath out white moonlight
         compassion -
wrathful crazy wisdom mantra
             in heart
leukemia poster on the wall
          hard not to weep for my dead sister
              this tiny building of
                       screams in the
                  vast trichilichosm of
                  Buddhas! Buddhas! Buddhas!


Fog out the window
the trees
  black ink
10 minutes before
  work 3rd day
Joyce the aspiring
young Chinese in
  at 11-3 hours
  by myself w/
  the demon phones


The long walk
to work
  makes sagging
flesh firm
  arriving early
    sitting across
from the
   Dept. of
Myth of Sisyphus to
   keep this rotting
   in shape -
Death's angel
   is a blanket
of fog over
   glass & lights
of the hospital


4 pigeons on
the roof of McDonald's
  Burger -
homeless young
    men sprawl
on the sidewalk
  Monday dawn
  - I dodge
yuppies blazing
     their autos
through cross
       walks -
The janitors in
    the lobby
discuss John
Kennedy Jr.
  is he dead?
last night
Dan Rather
 wept as he
   of it
   with his
Camelot 3000
      comic book


    Black gardener
trims the hedges
    across the
     street with
  a chain saw -
Above his head
    the trees again
    look spooky,
    in the gray
Doom is a
none to dream
  it -
just clear
   empty space
     writing in
   a notebook


young J.
  11 y.o. male
  of half a
  body part
    including face)
plays a video
       game with
  a small screen
    in his palm
    - strange
  electronic music
      & explosions
          - happier
than any
  movie star


Bus electric
  trolley pole
  white metal
     window against
white fog
- my heart of
tears, hard job,
brain chemicals in
head anxious
     with stress
     white bus
   a sinister omen,
   a crime,
   a white sore


Dr. K's in the
   office early
  bleached blonde
she exacts her
   need from
  the temp slave (me)
     twisting for
- I'm a coward
in her presence
   a skill she
has refined, aura
   of scalpels
burning halo


A mother reading
 in the clinic
I never realized
    what that
     title meant
  "Are you the Dr.?"
      I look like
  a crazy hippie
doctor out of
 TV show E.R.
with suit
  long hair earring
   "You need a Dr. of
        the Soul."
what horror movie
  is that from
did Edward Van
     Sloan say it?


    To have
Kerouac poet told
     Corso poet "You've
brought something
  into the world
     to die"
   L. had an
abortion that
     was mine
     Halloween 1979
my 20 year old ghost
   - such regret
I have no children
    & now too
what neo-
     Nazi of the
       - alcoholic
    genes for sure
 - you just
       never know
  - a Down's
       syndrome kid
in neat white
   Calvin Klein
- that's a holy card
of Jesus'
   thorny heart -
  memory of my
   Catholic youth -
the broken heart
      of saints
is unavoidable


The autistic
exploding psychic nova blow
     to the chest
  "No screaming"
Mom - she
   reads out loud
to keep him calm
    - a grating
story about
  a beaver -
I may scream
    for him -
Mom says:
 "Talk words.
  Look at me."


How angry the
   father holding
      baby E.
  the mother pushing
        an empty stroller
    - how did this
    happen to me?
            (his sullen
             face says)
    This is all
       fucked up!
     Failure to Thrive
   developmental delay
     delayed myelination
       on MRI.   Revisit.


the chemo
      vomit child
I don't even
           want to
The nurse says to him:
  "Hey buddy.
Having a hard time?"
    he puked in the
        waste basket
          tiny thing
         o my dead
O how will
   I die
  all my friends
and family in
   the grave
   "Look at the
   fog. Looks
   like a dream
or something"
  says another Dad
  stoned -
Mom says
  "O be quiet"


Do they scream
in Hell
  like a child's


Needles biopsies
   bone marrow
   the orchestra
     of pain


  Marc speaking."
- Dr. C
was a victim
of the Unabomber
     blew off part
of his hand
   I guess the
Unabomber thought
  Doc was
  making the Boys
  from Brazil
4th Reich
  in fact these
 doctors only
help the mutant
       kids -
Big love that
    went wrong
    in their
personal lives


On the walk
   to work on
Haight St.
Dracula is
   up in a leather
coat talking
   to himself
- the rules of
sunlight no longer
    apply -
bad sign
   - on the
sidewalk Indian
  drunks sleep
    in the drizzle
   deep dead slumbers
     even breath
  - at the glass door
 to the lobby
   a young one-legged
           man on
combs through
  the sand of
    the big outside
ashtray - he
    has found
   many good butts
& is singing
   - I am due
at the Mutant
Clinic in 35 min.


     Posters in
the Clinic:

         BABY BEFORE
         IT'S BORN

I think of some
  for when I'm
and these faces
  have faded
  from my prayers
in spite of my best

     YOU SEE: