N a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 3 : S p e c i
a l E d i
t i o n
L o n g P o e m M a s t e r p i e c e s
o f t h e P o s t b e a t s
I wake up, he glass
Fallen back stiffly
Such raptures
Muffled towel
Acts of Parliament
Eccentric arrivals
False humility
Sweat shops
Rubbed nose
Upright carriage
Love of approbation
Income fingers
Great Memorial
River ago
She only grieved for me
Hard clatter of horses hoofs
Power of speech
She was weak
Adamantine Merkins
Often now
Dead of night
Smelt my head
As if in love,
Neck-kerchief waved
No Cancel to Freezer Dunghill
Saviour wound prepared
Pain kitchen upstairs
Yellow face nightcap
Peoples mistakes hunger
Elephant parlor open
Frozen-out old gardeners
Boiling gipsy-fashion
Course of chequered existence
Villainy is the matter
The Market
Beds in the night
Picture on the lid
I kept to myself
The bell rang
Model of sternness
Tumbling long hair
Conceptions of art
Traced to an apprehension
Hand upon the hand he put before his face
Time came
She glided
Mystery of the partner
I was night
She was wild
She ran along
Began to peel
Last attempt
To make any change
by permission of the author.]
Ron Rodriguez, Puerto Rican poet, studied with Allen
Ginsberg, William Burroughs and Anne Waldman at Naropa
Institute. He is the author of The
Captains That Dogs Aren't (Washington Writers Publishing House). He played
in the band Repulsion for Reptiles, which featured an avant-garde
jazz-industrial noise hybrid with Spanish lyrics. Rodriguez has translated the
works of Luis Pales Matos and Miguel Unamuno among others. Currently, he is a
faceless bureaucrat for the federal government.