N a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 3 : S p e c i
a l E d i
t i o n
L o n g P o e m M a s t e r p i e c e s
o f t h e P o s t b e a t s
When I Hear The World “Fluxus” I Reach For My
When I hear the word "fluxus" I reach for my anti-Semitism
When I hear the word “anti-Semitism” I reach for my carnal buffalo blanket
When I hear the word “carnal buffalo blanket” I reach for my debauching riverman's
pony, restless and full of bad English
When I hear the word “debauching riverman’s pony” I reach for my heavy seductress
hissing the word Iraq
When I hear the word “heavy seductress hissing the word Iraq” I reach for my tortured
Silliman screaming "oh its just another dumbass adjusting her mechanical Tony Robbins
bear boob with lank greasy hair”
When I hear the word “tortured Silliman” I reach for Andy Dick
When I hear the word “Andy Dick” I reach for Grandma’s asshole in fishnets
When I heard the word “Grandma’s asshole in fishnet” I reach for my fecal tongs
When I hear the word “fecal tongs” I reach for my hot nurse fucked by a horny alien
When I hear the word “hot nurse fucked by a horny alien” I reach for Rachael Ray in
Huggies inside a Crockpot
When I hear the word “Rachael Ray in Huggies inside a Crockpot” I reach for the most
recent issue of PMLA
When I hear the word “most recent issue of PMLA” I reach for my first embalming
When I hear the word “first embalming” I reach for binaries of presence/absence
not peculiar to my personal reality, in other words the miraculous world we can perceive
through my vagina
When I hear the word “my vagina” I reach for a reconstruction of Jesus with his index
finger poised over the button of a discharged weapon
When I hear the word “Jesus with his index finger poised over the button of a discharged
weapon” I reach for the 7-fold division of reality made up of perverse dorks who thought
they were getting away with something
When I hear the word “perverse dorks who thought they were getting away with
something” I reach for Stephen Cope's job letter as a template for my job letter
When I hear the word “job letter” I reach for a dainty, long-haired, shawl-wearing woman
When I hear the word “dainty, long-haired, shawl-wearing woman” I reach for my dog-
eared copy of “If I Had An Anus”
When I hear the word “dog-eared copy of ‘If I Had An Anus’” I reach for my terrorist
When I hear the word “terrorist” I reach for my meme
When I hear the word “meme” I reach for my terrorist
from Napalm
Health Spa: Report 2008.]
Sharon Mesmer, a two time New York Foundation for the Arts fellow in poetry, is considered to be a member of the Flarf poetry movement. A student of Allen Ginsberg’s at Brooklyn College, her works of poetry include Crossing Second Avenue (ABJ Books, Japan, 1997), Half Angel, Half Lunch (HArd PRess, 1998), Vertigo Seeks Affinities (Belladonna Books, 2006), Annoying Diabetic Bitch (Combo Books, 2008), and The Virgin Formica (Hanging Loose Press, 2008).