Acrostic poetry is a form of short verse constructed so that the initial letters of each line taken consecutively form words.

  “The Spring Storm”
        by Molly M.,  age 5

A magnificent rainbow
Bellowed the sky with rays of color
Cast the beautiful fairies
Dawned the twilight's mist
Even turned the world to rubies
Heaps of gold and silver are here
I never heard the music the gold played
Jungle of whity ivy — I
Know the world is all turned around
Lovely the perfect place to be by the
Murmuring brooks of crystal blue
Nothing ever would turn the world back —
Open the golden doors
Past the mountains of ice
Quiet place
Running past the silver trees — the
Sun is made of white diamonds
Turning the twilight to dawn
Unicorns made of white rubies
Violets of shimmery purlple
White beautiful bushes
You will find the magic there
Zap — it's gone forever.

          — Sadie Babits, 4th
